Posts Tagged ‘Note’


So after spending a little too much money on a very spontaneous road trip my roomie I took last weekend, it’s suffice to say I’m more than broke. Normally this would frighten most people, especially people like me who are technically considered ‘unemployed’-but for myself personally I relish the challenge.

At this moment, I currently need 380/400 dollars to pay all my bills next month. Two checks for $20 dollars via InstaGC are currently on their way to my mailbox, and apparently CashCrate has also sent me the $36 I made last month via their website which they claim I’ll get around the 15th of April. (This check from them will be my first, so I’m looking forward to receiving their payment proof!)  Cambly has about $15 in the bank (though I can’t cash out until $20)-so, as you can see there are little bits of money here and there from average use but I want to pump it up and set some goals! Not just so I can make rent, but to also prove just how much GPT/PTC and IC jobs can generate! While I may be able to convince most that you can make some ‘cookie jar’ money online, most refuse to believe that it could be anything more than that. This challenge will shatter the doubt, and hopefully shed light and guidance on those looking for the quick-fix for cash.


IDEAL GOAL PER DAY: $40 dollars

DREAM GOAL PER DAY: $100 dollars    😉

Well, I doubt I’ll be hitting my dream goal this month, but I think I might be able to hit the Ideal Goal every now and again. I plan to document this 30 day experience in great detail in order to give as much insight as possible to others in need like me. If you yourself are already implementing ideas and routines to help minimize spending and maximize earnings, then please-by all means-leave a comment below and let us know! We’d love to hear and share (with appropriate accreditation of course!) any tips or tricks you’ve picked up along the years. Sharing is caring after all!

Anyways, if I’m going to make those dreams come true I best get to clicking! Thanks for reading, look out for new content every week, and as always: Happy Earnings! 🙂